All there is to know about new funding opportunities for 2018-2020, the Bioeconomy policy, digitisation and Blue Growth!

From 14/11/2017 to 17/11/2017
REA and European Commission DG RTD and DG AGR

Registration is now closed. If you have not managed to register, you will be able to follow the webstreaming. The link will be posted here shortly before the event.

The Research Executive Agency (REA), the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD) and the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI) of the European Commission are co-organising an Info Week on Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 2  (SC2) ‘Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy’, which will take place in Brussels on 14-17 November 2017.

The usual Societal Challenge 2 Info Day on the new Horizon 2020 Work Programme for 2018-2020 and the related brokerage event organised by BIOHORIZON will form the first part of the week. The second part will consist of three high-level policy events presenting the latest evolutions in the broader EU policy context related to Societal challenge 2 activities and how it relates with activities under Horizon 2020.

The event will also feature a Bioeconomy village highlighting first-class Horizon 2020 projects and initiatives on bioeconomy.

The infoweek at a glance

The week will be structured as follows:

Part I: Funding opportunities and how to benefit

14 November- H2020 SC2 Info day on Societal Challenge 2 calls for 2018

The event targets potential applicants to the calls for proposals under the Horizon 2020 SC2 ‘Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy’. The new €1,3bn of funding opportunities under Work Programme for 2018-2020 will be presented in the morning, whereas in-depth info sessions on various calls open in 2018 will be held in the afternoon.

More information

15 November – H2020 SC2 Brokerage event on calls 2018 

Following the Info Day, a corresponding brokerage event will be organised by the EU-funded BioHorizon project. The purpose of the event is to support potential applicants in  finding potential partners for future applications under the upcoming SC2 calls for proposals.

More information and registration by 27/09.

Part II: The broader EU policy context

16 November – Bioeconomy policy day

The European Commission will present its review of the European Bioeconomy Strategy and Action Plan, documented as a Staff Working Document, and discuss its findings with stakeholders and policy makers. Furthermore, the European Bioeconomy Stakeholders Panel will present and discuss its Bioeconomy Manifesto, setting out a societal agenda for bioeconomy development. These discussions will reflect both on the experiences gained over the past four years with Bioeconomy Strategy and Action Plan, and on the possible need for new actions. Separate parallel sessions will follow immediately after the plenary session chaired by 9 relevant Directorates Generals, the co-signatories of the Bioeconomy Strategy.

More information

17 November – Digitising agriculture and food value chains

In this event, participants will learn about the broad framework of the digital agenda for Europe, the opportunities it brings for farming and food value chains and how the ambitious investments foreseen through Horizon 2020 can help achieve broader EU policy goals. They will be able to attend specific dissemination sessions showcasing interesting projects in farm and food digitisation. This event will gather representatives of the farming and food sectors, digital technology providers, as well as scientists and national and regional policy makers to discuss and exchange views on how to best take advantage of existing initiatives.

More information

17 November – Blue Growth and Research and Innovation

In this Blue Growth event, discussions will revolve around the wide coverage of Blue Growth’s cross-sectorial and interdisciplinary approach to marine, maritime and aquatic research and innovation and its relevance to EU policies and to the blue economy. It will feature examples of impactful EU projects and their uptake by different stakeholders including policy makers, as well as synergies with other major programmes and initiatives that contribute to the blue economy in Europe and beyond.

More information

Bio-National Contact Points will be invited to meet ahead of the InfoWeek on 13 November 2017.

Practical information

Venue and fees

All events take place in the Charlemagne building of the European Commission. Access is limited to registered participants. Please bring a valid ID.
The Infoweek is free of charge. However, participants are asked to make their own travel and accommodation arrangements.


The Infoweek is fully booked. Registration is now closed.

Webstreaming and audivisual

All sessions will be web-streamed and photographed. You will be asked to provide your agreement on the use of images taken during the event at registration stage. The link to the webstreaming page will be posted on-line on this page and on each event’s page shortly before the event.


Original article: