Initial meeting with the representatives of the Croatian academic, real and public sector and the Bio-Industry Consortium (BIC) was held on 2 April 2019 at the Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology of the University of Zagreb. The objective of the meeting was to discuss the future of bioeconomy and bio-industries in Croatia, thus setting the guidelines for the coming Round Table, to take place in July 2019 in Zagreb. Mr. Marco Rupp, Public Affairs and Governmental Relations Manager in BIC, presented the priorities of the strategic document “The circular bio-society in 2050” and provided an overview of opportunities for the further development of bioeconomy in Croatia.

The meeting brought together eighteen participants and five speakers. Prof. Anita Slavica, a representative of the Republic of Croatia in the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU), moderated the meeting.

Bio-Mi was one of the first proud members of the BIC consortium from Croatia and Mr. Filip Miketa presented the R&D priorities of the company, as well as the benefits of the membership in BIC and projects in which Bio-Mi participates. All participants expressed their willingness to enhance bioeconomy opportunities in Croatia and establish a constructive dialogue among relevant stakeholders, especially during the upcoming Croatian’s presidency of the Council of the EU in 2020.

More information:

BIC newsletter article on “Development of bio-economy and bio-industry sector in the Republic of Croatia” round table