As a proud member of the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC), Bio-mi strives for excellence in the implementation of bioeconomy principles, that guide us in the research we do in the company. It is with great pleasure, we as full members, got an opportunity to participate in the making of the BIC’S new vision document “The circular Bio-society in 2050”, created in scope of the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking initiative (BBI JU).

The first Vision was developed back in 2012. It’s the foundation of the 2014-2020 BBI JU. BIC and its member companies, with the support of interested parties, decided to update the Vision.

By 2050, Europe will be a competitive, circular bio-based society with informed citizens choosing a sustainable way of life, thereby supporting an economy that not only provides jobs but enhances the wellbeing of society and the environment.

Five key drivers to realizing this vision in 2050:

  1. Integrated and efficient production of food, feed, bio-based products and materials, and energy to help foster food security and satisfy materials needs for a growing world population
  2. Resource-efficient and sustainable value chains benefit all actors, including primary producers, and create value for society
  3. Industrial and economic sectors operate in symbiosis, effectively collaborating across geographical and competency boundaries
  4. Carbon-neutral value chains mitigate climate change and contribute to UN Sustainable Development Goals
  5. Informed and participating citizens enable a sustainable, circular bioeconomy
