

Bio-Mi is part of another exciting project, SUNRISE (MultiSensor sorting tools in a circular economy approach for the efficient recycling of PVB interlayer material in high-quality prodUcts from laminated glass coNstRuction and demolItion waStEs), that received 8.040.302,51 euros funding from Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

The project will introduce an innovative multisensor sorting tool based on industrial in-line techniques (Raman, IRS, Fluorescence and Optical Spectroscopy) making use of optimised tailored hardware and AI algorithms which will allow optimal classification of laminated glass according to composition and degradation. Subsequently an innovative patented mechano-chemical process will allow the efficient separation of glass from PVB avoiding degradation of the polymer.

The main objective of the project SUNRISE is to demonstrate at European level within the current glass recycling business, the application of an advanced sorting platform based on an innovative multisensor tool able to provide information from PVB quality in laminated glass wastes, allowing the tailored mechanochemical treatment for purification of PVB by-product. This will enable the post-consume PVB recycling and reusing as interlayer film.

SUNRISE will apply a circular and transdisciplinary concept for solving current challenges in the existing laminated glass waste recycling chains which are:

The project SUNRISE presents a solution for the post-consume PVB recycling consisting in the integration of a multi-sensor system based on non destructive and real-time data processing methodologies of spectral data, followed by the mechano-chemical recycling process achieving a sorted PVB according to optical quality and composition, thus obtaining different batches which will allow a functional recycling and higher quality of the final polymer.

The project started on 1 June 2021 and is expected to end on 30 November 2024. More information on the project consortium and the project itself are available on the official website:

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 958243