Sustainable thermoplastic materials

Sustainable thermoplastic materials

Bio-Mi has focused, from the very beginning, its activities on research and development of bio-based, biodegradable and compostable materials that can be converted into finished and semi-finished products with a very clear “end of life” of each application obtained from that material.

Sustainable thermoplastic materials can be divided into two groups: bio-based and biodegradable plastics and recyclable materials. Bio-Mi places special emphasis on bio-based and biodegradable plastics, i.e. our “MI” family of materials that includes different ratios and types of biopolymers that are commercially available. However, as prime (pure) material, they can’t be processed, and final products made from prime materials lack the right properties and therefore they should be functionalized, i.e. compatible into blends or blends whose formulation provides better mechanical and barrier properties to the final product.



Bio-based and biodegradable plastics

Bio-Mi is developing several different formulations that meet the current needs of the market and the growing demand for compostable products, especially those that are disposable and contribute the most to the problem of environmental pollution.

Our certified blends from the MI family of materials, offer thermoplastic materials for processing with various technologies as well as conversion into almost any application that is in market demand.

In addition to the MI blends and depending on the customer’s requirements, Bio-Mi can make a tailor-made compound, usually materials for a more complex product packaging, which is expected to meet non-standard properties.

We offer:


Certified products

Composting can reduce the volume of organic waste quite significantly, while the compost produced can be used for agricultural and horticultural purposes. About 50% of all domestic waste comprises an organic material, a percentage that is set to grow in the future.

Packaging or products featuring the OK compost Industrial label are guaranteed as biodegradable in an industrial composting plant. This applies to all components, inks and additives. The sole reference point for the certification programme is the harmonised EN 13432: 2000 standard: in any event, all products featuring the OK compost logo comply with the requirements of the EU Packaging Directive (94/62/EEC).

Trusted user
Telephonic talk
Project completed
Award winning

Recycled / re-granulated plastics

Mechanical recycling is a very important mature technology and often quite efficient, especially in countries that do not implement a separate collection of organic waste.

All our products and materials are entirely recyclable with already existing recycling lines used for traditional plastics. The recycled material can be used in another cycle of extrusion and production.

We offer: