The project FURIOUS (Versatile FUran-based polymeRs for strIct and high value applicatiOns in packaging, aUtomotive and underwater environmentS) is funded by the EU under Horizon Europe project in the total sum of € 4 498 017.
FURIOUS started on 1 June 2023 and is expected to end 31 May 2027.
Τhe goal of the FURIOUS project is to develop novel versatile polymers based on 2,5-FDCA to enrich the portfolio of bio-based innovative mono-material solutions proposed to replace traditional plastics. The materials will be properly designed from the chemical point of view to satisfy a set of target properties required for three stringent applications, where other bioplastics do not address all the requirements or traditional plastics are still widely employed: biomedical and electronic packaging (where resistance to sterilization and high barrier properties are necessary), automotive sector (where resistance to UV weathering and intrinsic antibacterial properties are the key feature) and underwater devices (where photoreactivity and biodegradability in seawater are requested). To target such a goal, all the well-established synthetic strategies will be used, with particular attention to the exploitation of green processes, to low lifecycle environmental impact polymers and to the minimization of their production cost. FURIOUS material versatility will be also assessed with respect to their processability, which is a further mandatory feature to be checked for real entry on the market. Both well-established technologies, such as injection molding and extrusion, and more innovative ones, such as electrospinning, 3D printing and stereolithography will be validated. Last, but not least, intrinsic recyclability will be imparted to the new furan-based polymers for both greener and mechanical recycling and for novel enzymatic recycling strategies. In the case of packaging, compostability will also be evaluated, while underwater sensor biodegradability in marine environment will be checked being one of the key requested polymer feature. Innovative results of FURIOUS will contribute to the development of Sustainability-by-design database, used to assess and predict the performance of novel materials and to derive a set of guidelines for the end-use applications.
The project is coordinated by the University of Perugia and Bio-Mi is one of the 14 coordinators.
This project has received funding from the Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking (JU) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 836884. The JU received support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the Bio Based Industries Consortium